The mission of the Glastonbury Education Foundation is to promote excellence, innovation, and creativity in education for our children and community.
What We Do
The Foundation champions and acts as a catalyst for academic enrichment in our schools and facilitates lifetime learning experiences in our community. It works to raise funds for educational programs that are not included in the town’s limited budgets.
Who We Are
The Foundation is directed by an all volunteer group of community members. It was formed in 1998 and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit public charity in 2003. The Foundation fundraises for a variety of community-based education programs, projects, and initiatives.
The Foundation is a non-political entity independent of the Board of Education and the schools. Representatives from the Board of Education, Town of Glastonbury, and Glastonbury PTSO serve on the board in an ex-officio capacity.
Why We Do It
Glastonbury’s education system is an important asset to the community affecting everything from our quality of life to our property values. Our town and education budgets have limits however, especially in financially uncertain times. As a consequence, resources to enhance and enrich our educational programs through public tax dollars are limited. Through our fundraising and Grant Program, the Foundation seeks to uphold and substantiate the reputation of excellence in education that Glastonbury enjoys.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the Foundation’s work increase our school or town budget and, therefore, our taxes?
No. The Foundation was formed precisely because people have recognized that it is increasingly difficult to expand funding levels necessary to enhance excellence in our schools. It will therefore seek other sources of financing to augment the public funds now available.
Where will the money come from to carry out the Foundation’s programs?
The entire budget of the Foundation will be raised privately: from concerned parents with students in the schools, other members of the community, as well as corporations, Foundations, endowments, and other sources who are committed to excellence in education for our community.
How long have education Foundations been around in the nation and Connecticut?
Since 1978 over 3,000 communities across the country have established educational Foundations with similar missions. From Maine to California they have raised millions of dollars to enrich the curriculum, improve teacher education and create partners-in-education projects. There are over 80 established education Foundations in Connecticut with many more in the organizing process.
How can members of the community benefit from the Foundation?
We view education not as something narrowly restricted to our schools, but as involving children and adults of all ages in a variety of settings. Our programs will seek to be of benefit to the community as a whole. Each proposed project will be evaluated for its potential impact on the entire community and for possible avenues for collaboration between the Foundation and existing community groups.