Board Of Directors
Executive Board
Richard Twilley, Chair
Kelly Turner, Vice Chair
Neha Patel, Treasurer
Kelly Bonatsakis, Secretary
Jodi Rodriguez, At Large
Joathan Archer
Alina Bricklin-Goldstein
Katherine Clemens
Heather Colp
Linda Edelwich
Maggie Garden
Jill Kehl
Melissa LaGram
Christina Lazar
Irene Luaices
Derek Mazzarella
Krissy Morales
Pauline Parrish
Anusha Rodriguez
Katie Slater
Erica Thrall
Alan Bookman, Superintendent of Schools
Julie Thompson, Glastonbury Board of Education
Tricia Quinn & Lauren Skold, Glastonbury PTSO
Larry Niland, Glastonbury Town Council
Christopher Drury
Margaret Wilcox
Program Director
Heather Drury